26.142 km 1435 gauge European standard track was laid on R/C sleepers through the new section of Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi. 53 structures, including 5 bridges, were constructed; one of them is a bridge over river Kirbulakhi, which does not have equal in post-soviet area.
74 km track was rehabilitated on Tsalka-Akhalkalaki section, 55.829 km was arranged with continuous welded rails.
133 of 149 structures located at Tsalka-Akhalkalaki section were rehabilitated and reconstructed.
4 new viaducts, 8 protecting concrete walls and 4 snow protection galleries, with total length 2.5 Km were constructed. 4 viaducts and 4 galleries were constructed using the latest technologies. The viaducts and the galleries were assembled from corrugated galvanized metal constructions.
49.7 km track is under rehabilitation on Tetritskaro-Tsalka section. It includes laying of 37.6 km continuous welded track with new R-65 type rails and r/c sleepers.
This section also includes Chivchavi passing track with length 3.7 km. 12.1 km long jointed track will be arranged with R-65 type rails and timber sleepers.
103 of 114 structures located at Tetritskaro-Tsalka section are under rehabilitation-reconstruction. 3 new viaducts, 4 r/c pipes, 1 protecting concrete wall, 1 bridge and 1 landslide protection structure will be constructed.
Construction of 3 viaducts will be performed using the latest “Viacon” technology. The viaducts will be assembled from corrugated galvanized metal constructions.
VI stage – New Constructing Section of Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi
Construction of 154 m double-track railway bridge across river Kirbulakhi (in Akhalkalaki) has been completed. Construction of technical, customs’ control and border service buildings is also finished. 51 structures (incl. 3 bridges) were constructed, basic earth works were executed, 21,6 km track was laid, ballasting and track alignment works are under way; 21,6 km continuous track was arranged, 4 new viaducts were constructed; 26 sets of UIC-60 type 1/11 grade switches were installed in station Kartsakhi; 10 kV overhead power supply system was constructed at station Kartsakhi.
Akhalkalaki Station
IV stage – Akhalkalaki station terminal: Building and constructional parts of Akhalkalaki terminal, interior and exterior facing works, installation of inner engineering networks and equipments for heating-ventilation-conditioning systems, as well as vertical planning of the territory and arrangement works have been completed.
V stage – Akhalkalaki railway station: Construction of concrete areas for container and bulk freight was completed in the freight yard; 40 t container crane was installed; 9 km rail track of various designation was laid and 37 sets of switches were installed; construction of traction sub-station was completed, installation and adjustment works of open and inner distribution equipments are under way; basic construction works of railway and motor-car scales were finished and construction of relevant cabins is under way; construction works in scope of underground communications, wagon bogie-changing area and other basic engineering-technical buildings and structures are underway.
2 gantry cranes were installed within wagon bogie-changing area.
It should be mentioned that Akhalkalaki is already provided with a fascinating and European standard building of modern architecture designed by the world-famous German architect, Jurgen Mayer.
In the short run this station will provide freight, as well as, passenger transportation.
The latest, up-to-date trains will be operated through Baku-Tbilisi-Istanbul railway.
Georgia-Turkey Border Tunnel
Basic construction works for railway border tunnel have been finished. Total length of the tunnel is 4470 m; Georgian section covers 2070 m (240 m gallery); major construction works of the tunnel portal adjoining gallery (240 m) and drainage system have been completed; track was laid from Kartsakhi station up to Turkish border (2,4 km), ballasting works and adjustment of track parameters in accordance with the project are in progress.
I-II-III stages – Reconstruction-Rehabilitation Section of Marabda-Akhalkalaki
From the beginning of the construction process, 156,7 km new track has been laid (one layer of 156, 7 km was ballasted, 80 km – totally ballasted, ballasting works are in progress);
298 structures among 318 have been rehabilitated. 5950 m sidewalk was arranged, 5 gabion walls with total length —— were constructed; III stage – 21 new 1/11-R65 and 6 sets of R65-1/9 grade switches were installed; 150 km continuous welded track was arranged. Construction works are completed on 29,2 km of the I stage, earth works are almost finished on 49,7 km of the II stage, track is constructed on 49,7 km. basic sub-grade works are completed on 74,1 km of the III stage, track is laid on the 74,1 km. Installation works of constructional part of the four snow protection galleries (NN 3,4,5,6) are completed, ground arrangement works are underway; 10 railway terminal buildings have been reconstructed; micro processing interlocking cable networks and tower equipments were installed in Tskhradzma, Tsintskaro and Tetritskaro stations; 333 km long fiber-optic cable was laid along the alignment, communications hardware was installed within 11 stations and signaling tower equipments were arranged in 3 stations; installation of equipments and devices and adjustment works were completed in all 7 traction substations; the substations have been activated; more than 3,500 contact line masts were installed; arrangement and adjustment of 153 km contact line was completed. III stage – polyethylene covered pipes d = 63 mm were installed for cables within snow protection galleries #3, 4 and 5, 8000 m in total. In January 2015 the first test train was launched and ran up to station Kartsakhi; In February, 2016 an organized freight test train was operated through Marabda-Akhalkalaki line section; on 27 September, 2017 a passenger test train was launched and operated on Marabda-Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi railway section.
On 2 November 2017 a freight train loaded with 30 containers was operated through Marabda-Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi railway section.
29.2 km track was rehabilitated on Marabda-Tetritskaro section. 23.965 km was arranged with continuous welded rails.
Passing siding 24th km, with 5.1 km long track was arranged at this section.
50 of 56 structures located at Marabda-Tetritskaro district were rehabilitated and reconstructed.
2 new viaducts, 4 R/C pipes and 1 protecting concrete wall were constructed.